Monday, August 8, 2016

Fallon, Nevada

Well welcome to Nevada! This is where I will be spending 9 weeks. So my first stop is in the middle of corn, alfalfa and dairies! I was so thankful to make it to Fallon because that meant I got a break from living in hotels! My cousins Scott and Anna live in Fallon so I got to sleep in a real bed, take a comfortable shower, do laundry when needed and eat homemade meals! Oh and let me tell you, I ate A LOT!! I could never thank them enough for opening up their home to me for a month! I feel truly blessed! Now they are more than just my cousins, they will always be my roomies too!

During my college career I had the opportunity to really discover California agriculture and experience different practices. When I got to Nevada, I really didn't know what to expect. I figured it would be dry, hot, and tons of sage brush. Which it was all of those, but it was also a lot more than that! I was ready to put my knowledge to work and see how I could adapt to Nevada agriculture.

My job required me to do field inspections and meet with borrowers to discuss their operations. So this is how I really engaged in practices in Nevada agriculture. At this point, I was in my third branch during my internship. Each branch is very different in size and the group of people. You can imagine the branch in Fallon was small, well you are correct. But everyone there was very kind and got me out of the office a lot to experience and explore Nevada.

Besides work, I spent a lot of nights going to the dairy, going on walks through alfalfa fields, going to their nieces birthday parties, shooting targets and helping out family and friends in the area. My cousins/roomies are very busy people and we never could catch a break! But it was a lot of fun and I experienced a lot of "firsts" during my time in Fallon.

The journey does not stop in Fallon either. Off to Elko I go!

~California girl stuck in Nevada

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