Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Cabo San Lucas 2016


There we were early Saturday morning boarding the plane to Mexico! Two years ago we took a trip to Mexico so I was not worried about customs or getting through security, but the biggest worry weighing on all our minds was if our bags were going to weigh over 50 lbs! Guess whose bag we worried about the most?? Those of you who know my immediate family very well, you probably know the answer. Which is.... MY FATHER! Well, he ended up just being a few tenths of a pound off, thank goodness! & off we went!

Our Cabo trip was planned for multiple reasons. We were celebrating my college graduation but also enjoying the opportunity to be around family! Our cousins Jason & Jess joined as well as Uncle Mike and Aunt Wendi! It is safe to admit that the trip would not have been the same without our extended guests! I could never thank all of them enough for leaving work, family and priorities to travel with me and celebrate together!

We participated in two really fun extravaganzas such as snorkeling throughout coral reef and zip-lining through the desert! I would have to say I enjoyed snorkeling better. It was amazing to see all the fish surrounding you but not touching you! Zip-lining was fun because I had never done anything at that level of extreme (church camp zip-lining does not count). I was not actively ready for the zip-lining climb though and I think all of us were pretty sore the next day. We shopped around downtown and tried as much local food/drinks as possible!

We enjoyed waking up and finding a spot by the pool and laying out all day! I guess I should add in where we stayed. It was an all inclusive resort, RIU Palace. So by that I mean, when food was in front of you it would be silly of you not to eat it because it was all unlimited amounts. We ate even when we weren't hungry and had our fair share of tasty drinks! We played volleyball on the beach and in the pool, danced every night to the local events at the palace, and even tried out the dance club. We watched the Warriors every night it was on and gathered with fans. My siblings and I sang "Pour some sugar on me" in front of everyone at the palace! Oh and I cannot forget the excitement of successfully crashing a wedding reception! Please don't judge, we all have done it at some point in our lives!

As the days went by, we got closer to the vacation ending and none of us wanted to leave. But facing reality was something that had to happen, unfortunately. I am super thankful for the opportunity to travel with my family. I am blessed by many and especially my family. Graduating college was a very big accomplishment and it all paid off when the memories were made in Cabo!

Stay tuned for my next adventure... big girl job -- Santa Rosa, Ca.



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